FLODRAW - Next Generation: Status Report I have been working on the next generation of FLODRAW since the release of FLODRAW 2.2. The next generation of FLODRAW is a completely new program that will off many features suggested by FLODRAW users. The new program will be a diagramming program similar to the current FLODRAW. But the similarity is only in what the program does. The graphical interface is so completely different that I will call it something other than FLODRAW. It will be easier and faster to get your ideas on a diagram. I haven't decided on a name yet. Right now I'm working with a prototype of the new FLODRAW program. There are still a lot of problems to resolve, but I expect to have a version I can offer to registered users by end of '92. Based on the prototype I've developed so far, here are a few of the features that will be available in the next program. Mouse support. The first release of the program will probably require a mouse. I'll add keyboard support later. Most functions can be selected from an icon bar rather than a menu. EGA/VGA support. CGA will no longer be supported since it can't provide the resolution necessary for the screen displays in the new program. The first release may be VGA only. But EGA will be supported as soon as possible. Text processing. Proportional fonts supported. You will be able to enter text in two ways. The first way is to type directly on the diagram as you do with FLODRAW. The second way is to "link" the text to a location in the diagram so that you can edit the text at any time much the same way you would with a word processor. This unique feature will provide some nifty text editing functions. Multiple levels of zoom. You will be able to edit the diagram at three levels of zoom. A fourth level of zoom will allow you to easily make changes at the pixel level. Ruler grids. Grids will help you control the placement of symbols, lines, boxes, etc. The grids will replace the "tab" feature in FLODRAW. PCX file conversion. The new program will read and write PCX format files as an option. There is some bad news, though. Unfortunately, it is necessary to make a complete break from the old program in order to provide the improved features in the new program. Compatibility with old FLODRAW diagrams will be disappointing since the new program provides twice the resolution of the old FLODRAW. I do plan to provide a conversion program to convert old FLODRAW files to the new format. However, be prepared for differences in text and symbols between the old and new programs. I am very excited about developing this new program and I look forward to releasing it later this year.